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"Critical Hard Disk Drive Error" is a fake warning that you may see when the fake Windows Repair program is installed on your computer. The same fake error message may pop-up when your computer is infected with Windows Diagnostic and Windows Restore rogue applications. It states that a critical hard disk drive error (a bad sector) has been detected! It may supposedly cause data corruption, hard drive inaccessibility, and system errors or failures. In order to fix these errors you will be prompted to pay for a full version of the fake Windows Repair tool or it could be any other scareware from this family, e.g. Windows Restore. Please do not give them your credit card details because there is no guarantee that your credit card details aren't going to be sold to other third parties. If you got this "Critical Hard Disk Drive Error" warning as shown in the image below, scan your computer with anti-malware software. If you want to learn more about this scareware or you need help removing it, please follow this removal guide. Good luck and be safe online!
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